Mobile Games are Thriving in the Game Industry (katherine li)

According to the reports from foreign media, the pattern of game industry has not been formed, the mobile gaming industry, in a few short years has accounted for 9% of the total gaming revenues. With industry executives boldly predicted that in the next few years, mobile games will become an important driving force in the game industry, may even become the only driving force.

To me, as a player has diablo 3 account sale and is striving to earn more diablo 3 items for sale, this is good news because we can have rich game experience. To understand how investors see the prospects of mobile games, people only need to look at the Japanese game company GungHo Online Entertainment. It developed only one game, but its share price has increased since last October 9 times, price will quickly catch the decades old Nintendo game company.

From established companies like ea (Electronic Arts) to a rising star such as the tribal conflict (Clash of Clans) game developers Supercell, the size of the video game industry has reached $66 billion, and each game developers are still in the race to develop new games, try to use various methods to attract a new generation of players, this generation of players have more time to mobile devices, rather than on a computer or video games.

In recent years, the industry's development mode is to provide free game first, and then encourages players such as those have diablo iii accounts to consumption through "in-game purchases". Zynga has been improved in its online game this "in-game purchases" system. But, the industry is shrinking fast in the past year, according to attract new players, and encourage them to pay is not easy.

Industry executives say that as a result of the explosion of game industry, the mobile game players today is faced with a lot of choice, therefore they have been spoiled. When apple introduced the iPhone in 2007, there was only one of the few developers. But today, the world has hundreds of developers at Google and apple devices (micro blogging) sell their application on an Android device.

"You can see, the game industry is accompanied by the rise of casual games exploded growth. Because of casual games is easy to develop, need not spend too much cost, but also can attract users quickly. However, users are now bored or dissatisfied, because they don't pay to buy dibalo 3 gold will not be able to qualify." mahoney from Nexon said in an interview.

Currently, consumer spending is still concentrated in the decade's development history of handheld gaming device. However, this kind of situation is undergoing rapid change. In just a few years, mobile game of all revenue in proportion to the revenue has grown to 9%.

Gibeau said "in the next few years, mobile games, if not the only driving force of game industry development, is also extremely important driving force." But, Mr. Gary pointed out that, although many companies have been successful in game industry, but "there are some game company still in the learning stage".

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